Relationship Counseling

*Available online and in person (OH, WV & NV)

Couples counseling goes beyond the “couple”. Relationships look a million different ways and that does not always consist of marriage or any label. At Rivers and Roads, we welcome all relationships and all combinations of partners.

We know each person enters a relationship with their own stories about themselves, relationships, and how to communicate needs. Those beliefs are often based on our family of origin and past relationships that contained problems of their own. When we form relationships with others we all bring our views with us which leads to conflict.

At Rivers and Roads, we believe it is never too early or too late in a relationship for counseling. Relationship counseling can equip individuals with the information needed to better care for the individuals in the relationship and recognize how the attachments formed early in life can impact the current relationship.

What topics bring people to relationship counseling:

  • Unhealthy communication

  • Deepening connection

  • Repairing old and new hurts

  • Development of healthy boundaries

  • Affairs & Infidelity

  • Libido Differences

  • Loss

  • Conflict

  • Negotiation of relationship structures (poly and open relationships)

So, if you’ve experienced infidelity, constant conflict, or even low desire in a relationship, we can help. We will meet you where you are and work to get you and your relationship where you want it to be.

Investment Information:

Relationship therapy begins at $175 and is based on clinicians’ experience. This rate is self-pay.

Good Faith Estimates are available.

Sliding scale options are limited as well based on need.